Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I read an article about hamburgers being bad for you. I'm sad.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Seattle's best cupcake?

What is your favorite cupcake place? I'm a fan of the red velvet with lemon from Cupcake Royale.

Marination Taco Truck

Yesterday I hid my notepad and disguised myself as a regular person and ate tacos at Marination. Marination is a new food truck that travels around the Seattle area serving their delicious take on tacos with Hawaiian and Korean flair. I had a pork taco and three Spam sliders--yes, Spam! I left satisfied and with my wallet intact. I highly recommend Marination

Secret Restaurant Reviews!

Hello Readers,

I'm a big fan of the book Garlic & Sapphires by Ruth Reichl, former food critic for the New York Times. I won't tell you the whole plot here, but basically, Reichl disguises herself in different costumes and eats in secret at various New York Restaurants so she doesn't get special treatment (everyone wants a good review in the paper). I don't have to worry about special treatment, but I thought it would be fun to put on costumes, eat at restaurants around Seattle, and write reviews for you!

I will pretty much eat any kind of food, so you can exepct a whole range of reviews. I look forward to your comments and suggestions.

--Undercover Restaurant Critic